Accounts Settings
CTFd allows you to configure the following user and team settings:
User Mode Options
Account Email Whitelist
Specify email domains allowed to register on CTFd by Whitelisting Email Addresses.
Verify Emails
You can choose whether to allow users to confirm their email addresses before playing.
Incorrect Submissions per Minute
Specify the amount of submissions allowed per minute for flag bruteforce protection (default: 10)
Name Changes
Control whether users and teams can change their names
Teams Mode Options
You can further configure these options when your CTFd instance is in Teams Mode. You can learn more about user or team modes in this article.
Team Creation
Control whether users can create their own teams.
Team Size
Control the amount of users per team.
Total Number of Teams
Control the maximum number of teams that can be created.
Team Disbanding
Control whether team captains are allowed to disband their own teams.